The West Java Samsat Development Team consisting of West Java Bapenda, West Java Regional Police Traffic Directorate and Jasa Raharja traced 5.4 million tax arrears.

Head of West Java Bapenda, Dedi Taufik, said the West Java Samsat Development Team had held a coordination meeting to discuss joint strategies in increasing public awareness in paying PKB in West Java.

Dedi explained that the total active potential of motorized vehicle taxes in West Java was 17,032,596 units, with details of 14,114,056 two-wheeled, and 2,918,540 four-wheeled vehicles, with about five million units of vehicles whose status has not made payments (taxes).

"This is of course related to how to increase public awareness in paying Vehicle Taxes. Our focus and the Samsat guidance team are of course so that the numbers can continue to be reduced," said Dedi in a statement in Bandung quoted from Antara, Sunday, February 2.

Revenue from this tax will be direct in increasing development in various fields including the health sector to education, which is also targeted by the elected West Java Governor Dedi Mulyadi for acceleration.

"He (Dedi Mulyadi) is very concerned about improving road quality, building classrooms, increasing electrification to improving health services. Of course, Bapenda's job is to translate it by ensuring that the managed income can be maximized so that the vision can be realized," he said.

As a "modal" for the implementation of various programs, said Dedi, in 2024 it was recorded that total regional revenues reached more than Rp36 trillion from the Regional Original Revenue (PAD) sector of Rp24.88 trillion, Transfer Revenue of Rp11.38 trillion and other sectors of Regional Revenue that were valid Rp23.19 billion.

If detailed, the largest contribution from this regional revenue is PKB with a value of Rp9.48 trillion. However, it is stated that there must still be efforts to increase public awareness or compliance in paying taxes.

Several strategies, he said, had been prepared by the Samsat Development Team to reduce the number of motorized vehicles with in arrears. There are 12 steps that will be carried out in 2025.

"The big concept is to combine things that are humane and firm, there is a relaxation program (discount) and an increase or ease of service in paying taxes," said Dedi.

Several strategies have been devised, namely conducting a door-to-door search for Non-Registration Vehicles (KTMDU) with tracking agents who have collaborated in each district/city.

Then, carry out joint operations (PKB checks) in all regencies and cities together with the Samsat Development Team. Then, carry out Special Operations (implementation of Article 74 of Law 22/2009 concerning the deletion of vehicle data) in all regencies and cities together with the Regional Samsat Development Team.

Furthermore, the improvement of the annual PKB payment service digitization system is accompanied by tax collection and socialization and ratification through WhatsApp blasts. Then collaboration with ETLE Lodaya (West Java Police) if someone is subject to a ticket and is in arrears, a tax payment obligation notification letter will also be issued.

Carry out massive socialization to the RT and RW levels. Then, carry out data collection and monitoring activities for tax payments for state-owned vehicles and vehicles owned/controlled by ASN (pemprov, district/city, to village) through the PAMOR ZONITA and SIDAKEP applications.

The relaxation of some of the principal arrears and fines for taxpayers who are in arrears in PKB. Then, carry out data collection with Gakkum Ditlantas Polda Jabar to collect data on all Polres/polsek to record ticketed vehicles (results of criminal acts, accident vehicles, heavily damaged vehicles, in arrears vehicles)

The next strategy is to search and socialize compliance with paying taxes for KTMDU in collaboration with Babinkamtibmas. Also, optimizing Payment Point Online Bank (PPOB) through Bumdes and Cooperatives.

Meanwhile, Dirlantas Polda Jabar, Kombes Pol Ruminio Ardano said that the key to this strategy is the level of compliance and awareness of the community paying increased taxes. In addition, another important element is data collection involving the Provincial Government, City Government, Regency Government, Police and Jasa Raharja.

"We can carry out activities that are proactive in nature, socialization to the RT level so that the public knows why paying taxes is important. Then efforts to improve services can make it easier and closer to the community, such as the mobile Samsat program or digitization which makes payments easier," said Ruminio.

Law enforcement itself, he said, was the last resort, because of the 12 steps that were drawn up, the majority of the concepts were a humanist approach.

"The most important thing for the police is the regident of vehicles to protect the public. Because it has an impact on other things," Ruminio continued.

He also stated that the Bapenda and Jasa Raharja Team carried out data collection with Gakkum Ditlantas Polda West Java to collect data from the Polda level to all Polres or Polsek to collect data on vehicles that were evidence of ticketing, criminal acts and accidents.

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