JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan has extended the implementation of Restrictions on Micro-Based Community Activities (PPKM) in Jakarta until May 3, 2021.

The decision to extend the micro PPKM is contained in Governor Decree Number 478 of 2021 and Governor Instruction Number 22 of 2021.

Anies said the extension of the PPKM was to control active cases of COVID-19, especially in Ramadan. Because, in the last two weeks, active cases have increased again. Therefore, Anies urged residents to remain disciplined in carrying out health protocols.

"A victory against this pandemic is in sight. However, I remind you, we have not won yet. So, let's take responsibility to realize this victory with 3M discipline", Anies said in his statement, Monday, April 19.

Moreover, in this Ramadan, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has indeed allowed religious activities in houses of worship with strict health protocols and a total capacity of no more than 50 percent.

"So, if you see that the house of worship is 50 percent filled, it is better to pray at home to prevent the risk of exposure", said Anies.

Head of the DKI Jakarta Health Service, Widyastuti, explained that in the last two weeks there was a fluctuating increase in active cases. Where on April 5 there were 6,075 active cases and increased to 6,924 active cases.

"This is starting to increase again. I remind DKI residents that 3M, including avoiding crowds and avoiding mobilization, is very important. Because, our experience last year and this weekend indicate that population activity has increased and the number has moved up", she said.

Despite the increase, however, according to Widyastuti, it is still under control, seeing that the availability of isolation beds and ICU (Intensive Care Unit) in Jakarta is still sufficient because the percentage shows a decrease.

As of April 5, the total capacity of isolation beds is 7,513 units and is filled with 3,311 or 44 percent. Meanwhile, on April 18, the number of beds was 7,087 and 2,691 filled or 38 percent filled.

"For the availability of ICUs, although slightly decreased, as of April 5, the number of our ICUs was 1,136 and filled with 548, namely 48 percent. Meanwhile, on April 18, our ICU capacity was 1,056, filled with 500 patients or 47 percent, which means there is a 1 percent decrease in ICU capacity", said Widyastuti.

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