JAKARTA - President Prabowo Subianto sent greetings to Indonesian Hindus and the world at the inauguration of the Shri Sanathana Dharma Aalayam Temple or Jakarta Murugan Temple, in Kalideres, West Jakarta.

This was conveyed by Presidential Envoy Hashim Djojohadikusumo in his remarks at the inauguration ceremony of the temple, Sunday, February 2.

"He sends greetings to all, especially to Hindu Indians and Hindus in the world for the inauguration of this extraordinary temple," said Hashim as quoted by Antara.

Hashim revealed that the President initially planned to attend the inauguration ceremony. However, ahead of the inauguration ceremony, Prabowo was not present because he had to maintain his health condition.

"Although for several hours Mr. President, Mr. Prabowo Subianto has planned to attend, but because of his health that he has to take good care of, we have decided that he will not attend," he said.

Hashim claimed to have received information that this temple became the largest Hindu temple in Southeast Asia. He said that this temple is a matter of pride for Indonesia as a pluralistic country and upholds the values of Pancasila.

Hashim highlighted that although Indonesia is predominantly Muslim, the presence of this Hindu place of worship reflects the harmony and diversity that the nation upholds.

Hashim also appreciated the committee's struggle to complete the construction of this temple, especially when facing the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic which had stopped activities for two years.

"But today, five years later, we are here together to inaugurate an extraordinary place of worship," he said.

Hashim further added that during a visit to India some time ago, President Prabowo had also conveyed to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi about the inauguration of this temple, which was greeted with joy by the Indian leader.

"We witnessed the presence of an extraordinary Hindu place of worship. This is my pride, our pride as an Indonesian nation," said Prabowo's younger brother.

Hashim also expressed his appreciation to the central government and the provincial government of Jakarta for the support provided in the licensing process, including the permit for worship and building permits (IMB), which allowed this temple to be established and inaugurated.

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