A total of six of the nine teenagers arrested on Jalan Selebes, Medan Belawan, Medan who carried out positive brawls against drug users.

"The results of the urine test showed that six of them were positive for using drugs," said Head of Operations Section of the Belawan Port Police, AKP Pittor Gultom in Medan, quoted from Antara, Sunday, February 2.

Pittor said the nine people arrested had the initials A (16), I (15), L (14), AST (15), R (14), MR (16), FP (20), Ri (20), and Ag (18).

The teenager involved in the brawl was immediately taken to the Belawan Harbor Police for further investigation this morning.

"Currently, we are still investigating the case, as well as coordinating with the family and local community leaders to prevent similar incidents from happening again," he said.

Belawan Police appealed to parents to pay attention to their children's activities, especially at night in this area by increasing patrols to maintain conducive security and public order in their jurisdiction.

The incident, Pittor said, began in the joint patrol with information from the public regarding the brawl on Jalan Selebes to the surrounding teenagers.

"As soon as we received information about a brawl, the patrol team immediately moved to the location. When we arrived, the perpetrators tried to escape, but we managed to secure nine of them," he said.

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