According to Migrant Care Executive Director, Wahyu Susilo, this action is a form of human rights violation (HAM) because workers do not fight or threaten with firearms.

"Undocumented or illegal status is not an excuse to carry out an execution without trial," Wahyu said in his statement, Sunday, February 2.

Wahyu emphasized that shootings without court decisions were violations of international law.

"In human rights, this is called the summary execution or extra judicial killing. Malaysian authorities should follow international standard operating procedures (SOPs), namely avoiding torture and murder without justice," he stressed.

He also highlighted the power imbalance in the shooting of five Indonesian citizens of Idonesia, namely Malaysian armed forces facing unarmed migrant workers.

"There must be efforts to persuate, give warnings, and actions to paralyze if necessary. However, not immediately execute," he added.

Migrant Care noted that since 2020, 75 Indonesian citizens have died as a result of similar actions in Malaysia. "This figure shows Malaysia is not a friendly country for Indonesian migrant workers. This must end immediately," said Wahyu.

Ia mendesak pemerintah Indonesia untuk lebih proaktif dalam mencari negara tujuan kerja baru yang lebih ramah bagi pekerja migran, mengingat Malaysia dan Timur Tengah selama ini menjadi destinasi utama pekerja Indonesia.

"Harus ada exit strategy untuk mengurangi ketergantungan pada negara-negara yang tidak melindungi hak pekerja migran," pungkasnya.

The shooting action against five Indonesian migrant workers in Malaysia has again highlighted the poor protection of Indonesian workers abroad. Migrant Care urges the Indonesian government to look for a new labor market that respects the human rights of migrant workers.

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