JAKARTA - KemenPPPA coordinates with UPTD PPA in handling the case of a woman who abandoned her husband and eventually died in Palembang, South Sumatra.

"So we give the authority to be monitored, accompanied by the relevant UPTD PPA (Technical Implementing Unit for the Protection of Women and Children). So we are coordinating," said Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (PPPA) Arifatul Choiri Fauzi in Jakarta, Saturday.

His party continues to monitor the progress of handling this case. "Until now, we will inform you what kind of update it will be," said Arifah.

Previously, in the mass media it was reported that a woman with the initials SPS (24) in Palembang, South Sumatra was held captive by her husband for months, and died allegedly due to dehydration.

The victim was taken to Hermina Jakabaring Hospital by local residents, but his life was not saved. SPS died on Wednesday (22/1) after being treated at the hospital for a day.

According to the victim's brother, Purwanto (32), before he died, SPS had said that her husband (WS) was evil. The conversation was recorded and then used as evidence for the report to the police.

Palembang City Police Chief Haryo Sugihartono said they had named the victim's husband, WS (25), as a suspect, following strong evidence. Haryo mentioned the determination after the victim's brother, Purwanto (32) reported the neglect case.

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