The joint team consisting of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Basarnas, Polair and TNI found the bodies of fishermen victims of the shipwreck accident in Bangkalan, East Java, Saturday.

"The victim was found at around 09.30 WIB this morning and now we have taken the victim's body to the funeral home," said Head of the Bangkalan Police Unit (Satpolair) Iptu Muarif, Saturday night.

The victim, Muhammad Nari (47), was found caught in a mangrove tree located on the coast of Tolbuk Village, Klampis District, Bangkalan.

The next team evacuated the victim and took him to the funeral home in Bandaran Village, Pejagan Village, Kota District, Bangkalan.

"The family asked for an autopsy and accepted the incident as a disaster," said Muarif.

The disaster of the sea accident that happened to the victim Muhammad Nari occurred when he went to sea and his boat sank after being hit by a large wave around the waters of Karang Jamuang on January 30, 2025, at around 06.00 WIB.

The victim went to sea with his neighbors,principal Anggara Putra (23) and Moh Adiem (31), residents of Pejagan Village on Thursday (30/1), at around 02.00 WIB.

At around 05.00 WIB the three men arrived around the waters of Karang Jamuang and began to spread nets.

However, suddenly big waves and strong winds occurred and hit the boat with the three fishermen until it capsized and sank.

Howl and Adiem survived because they managed to hold an empty jerry can when the boat capsized and was adrift in the sea about seven hours ago stranded in Klampis waters.

Meanwhile, the sea accident that happened to fishermen from Pejagan Village was the second incident in Bangkalan Regency.

On the same day, January 30, 2025, a fishing boat sank in the waters of Sabiyan Village Beach, Bangkalan City.

The fishing boat belongs to Musawir (45), a fisherman from Kampung Bancaran, drowned when he and his son, Jaka Putra (13), caught fish. His boat was hit by waves as high as 1.5 meters.

The boat then swayed and capsized, while Musawir and his son survived thanks to the help of other fishermen who also caught fish around the scene.

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