The Natural Resources Conservation Center (BKSDA) of West Sumatra Province (West Sumatra) is still reviewing the plan to open the three mountain climbing route under the agency.

"The three are Mount Singalang, Gunung Tandikat, and Gunung Sago Malintang," said Head of the Sub-Division of Administration of the West Sumatra Province BKSDA Dian Indriati in Padang, Saturday.

Currently, BKSDA is still conducting in-depth studies with various parties, it is possible that the three mountains will be reopened for public climbing. The study includes the installation of climbing signs, standard operating procedures, as well as facilities and infrastructure to support safety aspects.

"So, everything related to the safety aspect we studied first before these three mountains were opened to the public," he said.

Overall, there are four mountains under the authority of the BKSDA which are designated as natural tourism parks or TWA. The four are TWA Marapi, TWA Gunung Singalang Tandikat and TWA Gunung Sago Malintang.

In addition to supporting environmental conservation efforts, the presence of this mountain is also expected to contribute to the community's economy while still paying attention and prioritizing the safety side of visitors.

Mount Marapi, which is administratively located in Agam Regency and Tanah Datar Regency, has been permanently closed after going through a number of considerations, as well as proposals from various parties.

However, if later the 2.891 meter volcano above sea level (MDPL) returns to normal, or goes down to Level I, the BKSDA together with related parties will again conduct a study on the possibility of reopening to the public.

Later, if Mount Marapi is reopened to the public, climbers are not allowed to peak, and are only allowed to carry out activities outside a three-kilometer radius from the eruption center (Verbeek Luxury).

"The discourse is, if it is not an eruption, of course it will be opened to campaigns and of course it will be outside a three-kilometer radius," he said.

On a separate occasion, West Sumatra Ombudsman Assistant Adel Wahidi said the permanent closure of the Mount Marapi climb was after a mutual agreement between the institution and the West Sumatra BKSDA, Agam Regency Government, and Tanah Datar Regency.

According to him, this step is important to provide a message or information to the wider community that the volcano should not be climbed because it is dangerous for safety.

Adel is worried that there are still people who are desperate to go up because they think the status of the volcano has dropped. Therefore, the four agencies agreed to permanently close the climber of Mount Marapi.

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