JAKARTA - Most parts of Indonesia are expected to have light rain on Saturdays, such as Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, Makassar, and Jayapura.
Quoting Antara, BMKG weather forecaster Indah Fitrianti said, in the areas of Sumatra, Medan, Banda Aceh, Padang, and Tanjung Pinang, there is the potential for cloudy weather to thick clouds.
Indah added, the potential for light rain occurred in the Pekanbaru area. The weather is thick cloudy and is expected to occur in the areas of Bengkulu, Jambi, Palembang, and Pangkal Pinang. In addition, he said, the potential for light rain is in Bandar Lampung.
On the island of Java, he said, Serang, Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Yogyakarta, and Surabaya have the potential for light rain. For the Bali and Nusa Tenggara areas, Denpasar is predicted to have cloudy weather, Mataram is expected to have light rain.
"And be aware of rain accompanied by lightning in the Kupang area," he said.
For the Kalimantan Island area, he said, Pontianak is expected to be thick cloudy, while Palangka Raya, Banjarmasin, and Samarinda, light rain is expected. In Tanjung Selor, he said, it is estimated that it will rain moderately.
Indah said, on the island of Sulawesi, the potential for light rain is expected to occur in Makassar, Palu, Gorontalo, Manado, and Kendari areas. As for Mamuju, it is estimated that rain will be accompanied by lightning, so he warned to be vigilant.
For the eastern part of Indonesia, it is estimated that cloudy weather conditions in Ambon, then Ternate, Manokwari, and Jayapura have the potential for light rain. Then, said Indah, moderate rain is expected to occur in Sorong, Nabire, and Jayawijaya areas.
"Be aware of the potential for rain accompanied by lightning that will occur in the Merauke area," he said.
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