US President Donald Trump said the Black Hawk military helicopter, which collided with American Airlines in Washington DC, flew too high at the time of the accident that killed 67 people.

"The Black Hawk helicopter flies too high. It's well above the 200-foot limit. It's not too complicated to understand, isn't it??" Trump said in a Truth Social post.

The crash is still being investigated by federal transport authorities.

US Minister of Transportation Sean air transportation previously said the two modes of air transportation flew in standard flight patterns and there were no disturbances in communications.

"Everything went as usual until an accident occurred," Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin told Reuters.

An investigation into the National Transportation Safety Agency's Investigative Accident said they had just started their work and would have an initial report within 30 days.

The names of all the victims have not been released, but they include a number of promising young skating athletes and people from Kansas, where the flight started.

At the White House, Trump criticized the helicopter pilot and stated that air traffic controllers were to blame.

"We don't know what caused this accident, but we have some very strong opinions and ideas," he said.

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