TNI Commander General Agus Subiyanto said his party plans to open opportunities for people with disabilities to become members of the TNI.
This is done so that people with disabilities have the opportunity to serve the country through the TNI.
"We will hold a working group, evaluate whether it is necessary to have disabilities to enter the TNI, the goal is to support the main task," Agus said during a press conference at TNI Headquarters, Cilangkap, East Jakarta, Antara, Friday, January 31.
Agus explained that the idea came when he saw that the ranks of the National Police had implemented the same thing, namely creating jobs for people with disabilities.
Nevertheless, Agus ensured that people with disabilities still had to meet certain requirements if they wanted to become TNI personnel.
His party will also review what duties and positions will be given to people with disabilities within the TNI.
"So all people have the right to become soldiers, of course with different recruitment criteria," he explained.
Previously, the Inspector of General Supervision (Irwasum) of the National Police, Komjen Pol Dedi Prasetyo, supported personnel with disabilities in the Bhayangkara Corps to have a career according to their respective wishes.
This was conveyed by Komjen Pol Dedi when meeting 16 members who entered through the disability route at the TNCC Building at the National Police Headquarters, Jakarta, Friday. Dozens of members scattered from various Polda throughout Indonesia were presented to stay in touch and discuss.
Quoted from the official statement, the former Assistant for Human Resources to the National Police Chief ensured that his party would direct personnel with disabilities to fields that they wanted, both in the fields of information and technology (IT), cyber, then, Criminal Investigation Unit, and other functions in the National Police.
In fact, he also ensured that the National Police would facilitate if there were personnel who wanted to pursue higher education.
"The important thing is that colleagues must not give up on the situation, nor should they be afraid, and colleagues remain part of the police community that we are proud of," he said.
On the same occasion, Komjen Pol Dedi also conveyed his pride to members of the Police with disabilities consisting of 14 male and 2 female personnel.
According to him, they have great abilities because they are able to get through education at the State Police School (SPN) and the Women's Police School (Sepolwan) which is quite heavy.
"Not necessarily what we recruit, the young people who are in normal physical condition, are strong enough to take part in basic education. But, colleagues have shown and proven it all, 'I can't'," he said.
As for the meeting, several police Headquarters officials were also present to have a joint dialogue regarding the office space that would later be carried out by members of persons with disabilities.
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