HST - An officer of the Hulu Sungai Tengah (HST) Police, South Kalimantan Police (Kalsel) arrested a fugitive with the initials MA (25) alias Ugon who was suspected of molesting and killing the Head of SDN 2 Mantaras with the initials BI (50) in Kotabaru Regency.

HST Police Chief AKBP Jupri JHP Tampubolon said his party was assisted by the South Kalimantan Police and the Kotabaru Police to arrest the Supreme Court suspect in Kotabaru.

"Sudah berhasil ditangkap, sedang di perjalanan dibawa personel menuju Polres HST," kata Jupri di Barabai, Hulu Sungai Tengah, Antara, Kamis, 30 Januari.

Although he has not explained the detailed arrest process, Jupri ensured that members of the HST Police moved quickly to hunt down the perpetrators who had been fugitive after committing a crime.

The location of the murder of the Principal of SDN 2 Mantaas took place in Banua Kupang Village, North Labuan Amas District, HST on Monday, January 27 at around 19.00 WITA.

In fact, Jupri had time to go directly to the location to speed up the process of handling the persecution case that killed the Head of SDN 2 Mantaras.

Meanwhile, from the scene, the police secured evidence in the form of one sheet of dark blue trousers, one sheet of black short-sleeved shirt, and one pair of black flip-flops.

"The perpetrator will be charged with a criminal act of severe persecution which resulted in the victim's death, as referred to in Article 351 Paragraph (3) of the Criminal Code," said Jupri.

This deadly case of persecution occurred when BI victim came to the house of a woman with the initials RM in Banua Kupang Village RT04/ RW02, North Labuan Amas District, to propose to the widow with one child.

During the application ceremony, the suspect MA alias Ugon went to RM's house shouting asking the victim BI to leave the house. The perpetrator and RM turned out to be dating. However, after RM got to know the victim, the relationship between the two began to become tenuous.

At that time, RM's family had prohibited the victim from leaving the house, but the victim still left. Meanwhile, the MA perpetrator was waiting with a machete at hand until the persecution ended in the murder.

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