JAKARTA - The Legislation Body (Baleg) of the DPR RI has begun to draft a Draft Law (RUU) on the Third Amendment to Law Number 18 of 2017 concerning the Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers (PPMI), which of which aims to increase foreign exchange and the safety of Indonesian citizen migrant workers (WNI).
Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Council of the Republic of Indonesia, Ahmad Doli Kurnia, said that the rules regarding PPMI needed to be adjusted immediately to the policy direction of President Prabowo Subianto. Where now there is a special ministry that handles this matter.
"Indeed, in order to get income, increase state revenue, the government is focused on working on this migrant worker issue again, and so a special ministry was formed," said Doli at the Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Antara, Thursday, January 30.
He said that Indonesian migrant workers were able to generate foreign exchange of more than IDR 250 trillion. But in addition to increasing foreign exchange, Indonesia must also keep Indonesian citizens abroad working comfortably and safely.
"Well, but we both know that the problem of migrant workers is also not a simple problem. The last time it happened, until now it is still warm, there have been shootings and all kinds of things like that," he said.
According to him, the bill will regulate so that the quality of workers sent abroad can increase. Because, he said, there are various aspirations that the capacity of Indonesian migrant workers is still a problem.
So, he said, later the classification of migrant workers will be regulated by the bill. The reason is, many Indonesian migrant workers have high skills and are in demand by employers abroad.
"We also don't want to be trapped all this time, it's as if the workers we send are low-skill workers. At the same time, later this law must also be able to maintain the dignity and muruah of our nation and state," he said.
Then, he said the bill would also regulate foreign language skills for foreign workers. Because often the problems of migrant workers arise because there are communication barriers.
"Indeed, this law can also be quite complete. So that what was our target earlier, the first is that there is an increase in the addition of visas for the state, then the dignity and muruah of our nation are maintained," he said.
Furthermore, he said the Legislative Council of the Republic of Indonesia would hear input from various elements of society related to migrant workers. According to him, the discussion of the bill will be meanful participation.
"We will only agree later with the government whether we can also start entering the discussion together to become an initiative of the DPR," he said.
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