The government is seeking extradition of fugitives in the corruption case in the procurement of e-KTP, Paulus Tannos, who was arrested in Singapore. Minister of Law and Human Rights (Menkumham), Supratman Andi Agtas, targets this process to be completed in the near future, before the maximum limit of March 3, 2025.

"We have 45 days to complete the extradition documents. However, I make sure we will not wait until March 3. This process will be completed soon," Supratman said on Wednesday, January 29.

Supratman emphasized that extradition cannot be carried out instantly because there are legal procedures that must be met by all relevant parties. However, he made sure there were no obstacles in the ongoing process.

"This concerns strategies and various other legal aspects. For the development of the case, please ask the KPK directly. As for the extradition, it will be handled by the International Relations Division (Hubinter) of the National Police Headquarters," he explained.

Previously, Deputy Chairperson of the KPK, Fitroh Rohcahyanto, confirmed that Paulus Tannos had been arrested in Singapore and is currently in detention.

"It is true that Paulus Tannos was caught in Singapore and is currently being detained," Fitroh said on Friday last week.

As a follow-up, the KPK is coordinating with the National Police, the Attorney General's Office (AGO), and the Ministry of Law and Human Rights to complete the documents needed to accelerate the extradition process of Paulus Tannos to Indonesia.

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