JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of Commission IX DPR RI from the PKB faction, Nihayatul Wafiroh (Ninik) admitted that he was concerned about the shooting case of Indonesian citizens (WNI) in Malaysian waters by local officials.

From this case, Ninik urged the Indonesian government to immediately take firm steps to improve the protection system for Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) so that PMIs feel safe and comfortable at work.

"I think incidents like this highlight how important better protection is for Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI), who often work in vulnerable and vulnerable conditions," said Ninik in his statement, Wednesday, January 29.

Ninik outlined a number of things that can be done. The first is an increase in bilateral cooperation. The Indonesian government must continue to strengthen relations with the country where PMI works, including Malaysia, to ensure a better protection mechanism.

"This could involve an agreement or memorandum of understanding regarding the rights and protection of Indonesian migrant workers," said Ninik.

Second, the government needs to revise policies related to labor delivery, ensuring that every PMI gets its rights, as well as tighter supervision of labor agents who often commit fraud and exploitation of workers.

Third, the need to make a legal system that supports PMI stronger, including increasing the role and capacity of Indonesian consular representatives abroad. Consulors must be more active in protecting Indonesian citizens who are in dangerous situations.

The fourth is training and security counseling. "One of the important things is to provide better understanding to PMI about their rights, occupational safety, health, regarding their rights as to how to protect themselves in dangerous situations," explained Ninik.

Fifth, continued Ninik, it is necessary to increase supervision and monitoring. According to him, migrant workers often work in conditions that are not well monitored. Therefore, there needs to be a stricter monitoring system for the existence and condition of workers, especially in areas that employ PMIs, especially Stricter Supervision of the Agency.

"The placement of agencies that place migrant workers is often not enough to pay attention to workers' welfare. Stricter supervision and law enforcement of illegal or unprofessional agents are needed," said Ninik.

Sixth, the government is asked to provide social protection funds or insurance for migrant workers who can be used if a disaster like this occurs is very important. This will provide a sense of security for them and their families in Indonesia.

"We hope this incident will be a momentum for better changes for all Indonesian migrant workers abroad. A tragic event like this should be an excuse to strengthen protection and create a fairer system for them," he added.

For information, officers from the Malaysian Maritime Authority Agency (APMM) shot a ship in the waters of Tanjung Rhu, Selangor on January 24, 2025, at around 03.00 am local time. This incident left one Indonesian citizen dead and four others injured.

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