JAKARTA - The public is increasingly asked when the meeting between President Prabowo Subianto and PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri will meet.
Until now, the two figures are still limited to exchanging gifts through their intermediaries. Prabowo gave Megawati orchids, and they were rewarded with giving Megawati ordered oil to Prabowo.
PDIP DPP chairman Djarot Saiful Hidayat asked all parties to patiently wait for the meeting between the two state leaders to finally take place.
"Just be patient, lah. I believe that one day the two of him will meet at the right time, let alone discuss the nation's problems in the future, the future order, exchange ideas, yes. I am sure it will be realized," said Djarot when met in Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta, Tuesday, January 28.
Djarot emphasized that the meeting was only a matter of waiting for the right time and momentum. Considering that both the 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia and the General Chair of the Gerindra Party do not have conflicts related to their relationship.
"The relationship between Pak Prabowo and Bu Mega has been a long time. So far, we have seen that communication between the two of him has never been a problem. Each of them respects each other," said Djarot.
The closeness of Megawati and Prabowo, acknowledged by Djarot, has been established since the daughter of the proclaimer Soekarno became President.
"The history of the relationship between the two of him is very long. Even when Pak Prabowo was still in Jordan, Mother, when he was president, he gave (repeated) Pak Prabowo to his homeland," he explained.
Previously, the Secretary General of the Gerindra Party, Ahmad Muzani, asked the public not to ask questions about the person who initiated the plan for the meeting of Prabowo and Megawati.
According to him, the figure of the initiative is not important to talk about further. However, it must focus on the purpose of the meeting.
"I don't think the need to meet the two is about who initiated it, later if the meeting occurs," Muzani told reporters, Saturday, January 25.
In fact, Muzani likens drinking coffee. If you know a coffee maker, then, there will be a different taste.
"If we drink coffee, the important thing is that it's good to taste coffee, don't ask who makes the coffee because if you have made the coffee, it will taste different because the way to mix it is different," he said.
"How to make chili sauce, the important thing is that the chili sauce is good, but don't ask who made the chili sauce because the terms are different," continued Muzani.
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