BAUBAU- An elderly man with the initials LM (60), a resident of a sub-district in Baubau City, Southeast Sulawesi, was arrested by the police on the report of committing a criminal act of sexual intercourse with a minor. As a result of his actions caused the victim AS (14) to become pregnant for seven months.

Head of the Baubau Police Criminal Investigation Unit, Iptu Rildo Muzayin Sih Basuki, in Baubau, Saturday, January 25, revealed that the perpetrator's actions were carried out three times at night at different times, first in 2023, then in May and June 2024.

He explained that the location of the first incident was carried out by the suspect in an empty house around Pasar Laelingi, Wale Village. The second action was at the suspect's residence in Baadia Village, and the third location was at home around Laelangi Market.

According to Rildo, the chronology of the incident was that the victim initially lived at the perpetrator's house since the 5th grade elementary school (SD). In 2023 the victim and the suspect went to Laelingi Market with the intention of bringing an item in the form of a zinc roof that would be deposited into a car bound for Pasarwajo, Buton Regency.

Then the suspect took the victim to an empty house around Laelingi Market and immediately lay the victim on a long chair in the house. At that time the suspect was about to lower the victim's pants, but the victim held the perpetrator's hand, but the suspect still insisted.

"The victim saw the suspect's face as if he was angry, so he was afraid that the victim would surrender," said Rildo, accompanied by the Head of Public Relations of the Baubau Police, Kompol Abdul Rahmad, in a press conference.

The perpetrator's second act was carried out at a house in Baadia Village when the victim's aunt was going to Pasarwajo. The house was in a quiet condition, the perpetrator entered the room and woke the victim. There the suspect opened the victim's pants but the victim refused, but the perpetrator also insisted.

Meanwhile, the third depraved act was carried out at home around Laelingi Market. The perpetrator's actions also forced the victim to take off his pants.

The suspect's actions were revealed, said Rildo, after the family saw the victim's physical changes with an enlarged stomach condition, bringing the victim to the Puskesmas and it was stated that the victim was pregnant with seven months of pregnancy.

After that, he said, Suriati, who was also the reporter for the incident, immediately took the victim home to the house where he lived, namely at the perpetrator's residence. Then he also returned to his home in Wakokoko Village, Pasarwajo District, Buton Regency.

Surprised to hear the victim's condition, said Rildo, the reporter immediately contacted his brother, WN, who is the perpetrator's wife, via a short cell phone message to take the victim home to Wasaga Village, Buton Regency.

When meeting again, he said, the complainant asked the victim who impregnated him. The victim admitted that the perpetrator LM had intercourse with the victim from 6th grade to the last incident, namely at the age of two months of pregnancy.

During the examination, said Rildo, the perpetrator admitted to committing the depraved act to vent his lust.

Rildo said that after receiving the report on the incident, his party immediately moved quickly. The suspect was arrested on January 22, 2025, in Wasaga Village, Buton Regency.

"Currently, the perpetrators have been detained at the Baubau Police Headquarters," he explained.

According to him, the suspect will be subject to a crime in accordance with Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law Number 23 of 2022 concerning Child Protection.

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