BANJARMASIN Preparation for the 2025 National Press Day (HPN) which will be held in Banjarmasin on February 7-9 is getting more mature. The Governor of South Kalimantan (Kalsel), H. Muhidin, expressed his full support for this event, while hoping that the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Prabowo Subianto, could attend.

The chairman of PWI South Kalimantan, Zainal Helmie, reported directly the readiness of the event to H. Muhidin at his private residence, in Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, Thursday night.

This meeting took place shortly after the Governor returned from performing the Umrah service. Before the Governor left for Umrah, we have reported the development of HPN. Today we provide updates regarding preparations that almost reach 100 percent," said Helmie.

Helmie added that up to now as many as 30 provincial PWIs have confirmed their presence in Banjarmasin. In addition, a number of cabinet ministers have also expressed their readiness to attend, including Minister of Communication and Information Meutya Hafid, Coordinating Minister for Food Zulkifli Hasan, Minister of PPPA Arifatul Choiri Fauzi, and Minister of Agriculture Amran Sulaiman.

The Governor of South Kalimantan, H. Muhidin, emphasized the full support of the provincial government for the success of the 2025 HPN. We are ready to welcome the presence of President Prabowo and all invited guests. Hopefully the HPN will run smoothly and successfully," he said.

HPN 2025 in Banjarmasin is expected to be an important momentum for the national press world. In addition to bringing together the press activists, this event is also an event to strengthen the role of the press in building the nation.

Full support from local governments and confirmation of the presence of important figures provide optimism for the success of this event.

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