YOGYAKARTA Many people do not know that the manufacture or printing of electronic Identity Cards (KTP) can be done outside the domicile area. On the official website of the Directorate General (Ditjen) of the Population and Civil Registration Office (Dukcapil), making ID cards outside the domicile can be done as long as there is no data change. How to make ID cards outside the domicile can be done in all Dukcapil offices in Indonesia.

Making ID cards outside of domicile can be done with the reason that it is damaged or lost. When that happens, people do not need to return to their domicile. Reporting from the website sippn.menpan.go.id, making ID cards outside the domicile must meet several requirements, namely as follows.

After that, the applicants for e-KTPs can only follow the steps of the manufacture, namely as follows.

For residents who previously do not have an ID card and are old enough, they can submit an application with the following conditions.

It should be noted that making e-KTPs is free. This service is not yet available online, so applicants need to visit the dukcapil.

That's information regarding how to make ID cards outside of domicile. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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