The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) confirmed that investigations related to the construction of a 30-kilometer sea fence in Teluknaga, Tangerang Regency, Banten, will continue even though the fence has been dismantled.
"The investigation is still ongoing, including the summons of parties suspected of being involved," said Special Staff to the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Doni Ismanto, on Saturday, January 18, as reported by ANTARA.
Doni emphasized that the KKP is working with law enforcement officials to ensure transparency and accountability in resolving this case. He also reminded that sea space management must be carried out in accordance with applicable legal provisions.
The sea fence that had been sealed by the KKP previously became evidence in the process of being investigated. The demolition of the sea fence without coordination with the KKP is considered to hinder the ongoing legal process.
"We hope that coordination between agencies can be strengthened so that every step taken supports the common interest and is in accordance with the rule of law," said Doni.
The demolition of the marine fence was carried out by 600 Navy personnel (TNI AL) together with fishermen on Saturday morning. The demolition process starts from the Tanjung Pasir coastline, Teluknaga District, to Kronjo Beach, Kronjo District.
Brigadier General TNI (Mar) Harry Indarto, Commander of the Indonesian Navy Main Base (Danlantamal) III Jakarta, stated that the demolition was carried out in stages and targeted to be completed in 10 days. Every day, two kilometers of sea fences are successfully dismantled.
The KKP emphasized the importance of maintaining synergy with the Indonesian Navy and other stakeholders to ensure Indonesia's maritime sovereignty and the sustainability of marine natural resources.
"With good communication and cooperation, we believe this challenge can be solved effectively for the benefit of the community and the state," said Doni.
This investigation is expected to reveal the parties responsible for the construction of illegal sea fences that have the potential to violate the law, as well as strengthen the management of marine space in accordance with applicable regulations.
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