TANGERANG - The Indonesian Ombudsman revealed that the bamboo fence in the sea of Tangerang Regency for 30.16 km or more popularly called the Tangerang sea fence does not have a permit and there is no analysis of the environmental impact (amdal).
Member of the Indonesian Ombudsman, Yeka Hendra revealed that the fence that stretches from Teluk Naga to Kronjo is not a national strategic project (PSN). This is not a PSN area, secondly, there is no amdal (Analysis on Environmental Impact). Third, there is no permit," Yeka said after visiting the location Wednesday, January 15.
Therefore, he urged to immediately dismantle the Tangerang sea fence in the sea of Tangerang Regency. Because the fence interferes with the activities of fishermen on the Tangerang coast.
"This must all be dismantled immediately. Because this sea fence has been going on for a long time since August 2024, there should be no need to wait 20 days for the demolition," he said.
On the other hand, regarding the punishment, he said, the Ombudsman's job is only to ensure that public services return to normal as usual. Criminal law enforcement matters are not the authority of the ombudsman.
"So the ombudsman comes here, the task is to ensure that public services run normally again. Public service in what? in the right to be searched for, in the sense that they can carry out fishing activities as usual," he said.
Because, said Yeka, sea fencing like this greatly interferes with the activities of fishermen. Especially about the material losses received by each fisherman.
"It's been almost 6 months. The route to going to sea is further away, the fuel is getting higher, the time to go to sea is getting less and will automatically reduce production," he explained about the existence of the Tangerang sea fence.
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