The Central Lombok Police Criminal Investigation Unit, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) has named the head of the Islamic boarding school (Ponpes) as a suspect in a sexual intercourse case against female students in Pringgara District.
"We have officially named HMT as a suspect in the case of forced assault against his female students," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit Iptu Luk Il Maqnum as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, January 14.
He said the determination of the suspect against HMT's brother after his party conducted a series of examinations of the suspect, victim, witnesses and the results of the victim's post-mortem.
"We officially detained the suspect," he said.
Previously, one of the families of the victim (santriwati) reported a case of sexual intercourse allegedly carried out by an individual leader of a boarding school in Pringgarata to the Central Lombok Police Headquarters on Monday (6/01).
For his actions, said the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the suspect, he was subject to a criminal act of sexual intercourse against children and/or child molestation.
"As referred to in Article 76D in conjunction with Article 81 Paragraph (1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) and or Article 76E in conjunction with Article 82 Paragraph (1 ) ( 2 ) of the Republic of Indonesia Law number 17 of 2016 concerning the second amendment to Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning child protection with a penalty of 15 years," he said.
In addition, the sentence for the suspect is increased by 1/3 from the criminal threat, because the perpetrator is the caretaker of the boarding school educators
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