JAKARTA - Investigators of the Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes (Jampidsus) of the Attorney General's Office (AGO) have completed the investigation process of suspect Hendry Lie in the case of alleged management of tin commodity trading in the Mining Business Permit (IUP) area at PT Timah Tbk for the 2015-2022 period. The founder of Sriwijaya Air was also transferred to the South Jakarta District Attorney.
"Implementing the handover of the suspect's responsibilities and evidence or phase II of the suspect HL to the Public Prosecutor at the South District Prosecutor's Office," said Head of the AGO, Harli Siregar in his statement, Tuesday, January 14.
With the completion of the delegation process which will take place on January 14, the public prosecutor (JPU) at the South Jakarta District Attorney will immediately prepare the indictment file. Thus, the founder of Sriwijaya Air will soon be tried.
"The Public Prosecutor's Team will immediately prepare a dakwan letter to transfer the case file to the Corruption Court at the Central Jakarta District Court," said Harli.
Based on the results of the investigation, Hendry Lie played a role in ordering Rosalina and Fandy Lingga to make and sign an offer letter from PT Tinindo Inter Nusa regarding the offer of cooperation in renting tin processing tools to PT. Timah Tbk along with other private smelters
"Then make purchases and/or collection of tin ore from illegal miners in the IUP region of PT Timah Tbk with companies affiliated with wholesale service partners to buy or collect tin ore from illegal miners from the IUP region of PT. Timah Tbk," said Harli.
After being collected, the tin seeds were sold to PT. Tin Tbk as a follow-up to cooperation in renting processing equipment. However, the price is much more expensive than it should be.
"The payment has a high price," said Harli.
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