A two-meter-long crocodile that has been troubling the community and tourists on the coast of Tembelok Beach, West Bangka, Bangka Belitung (Babel) was arrested.
"Earlier at around 11.00 WIB, a male crocodile with a length of about two meters was caught by fishermen and we are currently securing it at the Mako Satpolairud," said Head of the West Bangka Police and Air Unit Iptu Yudi Lasmono in Mentok, Monday, January 13, confiscated by Antara.
The crocodile's arrest by residents on the coast began with a crocodile attack on one of the residents who was active on the edge of Tembelok Beach.
The resident then called local residents to then make arrests together using snares.
"Currently, we have evacuated the crocodile with joint officers, consisting of the West Bangka Police Satpolairud, the Bangka Belitung Police Ditpolairud, the Baharkam Polri Korpolairud, the Mentok Navy Post with local residents," he said.
After the crocodile was caught and taken to the West Bangka Police Satpolairud Headquarters, his party then coordinated with the Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) Bangka Belitung and Alobi, one of the animal observer communities in Babel.
"We are waiting for their direction for the handling of these crocodiles," he said.
He appealed to residents of the Tembelok Beach, Mentok, to always be vigilant because it did not rule out the possibility that other crocodiles would appear along the coast.
"Currently the weather is not good, it is possible that other crocodiles will appear or pass through the beach, especially when it appears dark can endanger residents," he said.
The presence of crocodiles along the coast of the coast in Mentok District has occurred in the past month, residents have seen crocodiles in several different locations and their existence is quite worrying because on the coast many fishermen and tourists are active.
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