The Aceh Tamiang Police Narcotics Investigation Unit thwarted the smuggling of 2.24 kilograms of cocaine or Napza class one, as well as securing a man suspected of being the owner.

Aceh Tamiang Police Chief AKBP Muliadi said the suspect had the initials M (34), a resident of the coastal area of Treasurer, Aceh Tamiang. The suspect was arrested while transacting cocaine with officers who disguised the covert purchase (undercover buy).

"TKP was arrested in Wage Village, Bendahara District. At that time M was about to deliver a cocaine order on a motorbike to transact to our personnel who disguised themselves as buyers," Muliadi said at the Aceh Tamiang Police Headquarters as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, January 7.

M was arrested on Sunday (29/12) at around 21.00 WIB. The arrest of the suspect began with information from the public finding the circulation of cocaine in the Treasurer area.

Furthermore, the Narcotics Satres personnel conducted an investigation. After it was confirmed that the perpetrators would come across the New Treasurer-Karang public road to meet potential buyers, the police were ready to arrest the perpetrators.

"Then an examination was carried out, personnel found a clear plastic clip containing white powder in the cigarette box suspected of being cocaine. So what was delivered was 0.71 grams of cocaine as a tester to the buyer," he said.

From the suspect M's confession, the police then developed the case and managed to find another large number of packages that were still stored at the perpetrator's house.

"At M's residence in Kuala Peunaga Village, Bendahara District, we again found two large packages of cocaine stored in jerry cans used for red oil," he said.

The suspect told the police that he got the cocaine from his colleague, initials Z alias Panjol, a resident of Rantau Pakam Village, Bendahara District, Aceh Tamiang, who is currently a fugitive.

"So it can be ascertained that suspect M is not a courier, yes, he does not receive a delivery fee. He owns a cocaine item with Z, which we are currently setting a wanted list," he said.

Suspect M was charged with Article 114 paragraph (2) Sub-Article 112 paragraph (2) of the Republic of Indonesia Law number 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics with a minimum imprisonment of six years and a maximum of 20 years or life imprisonment or a maximum fine of IDR 10 billion.

The confiscated evidence consisted of one small package of 0.71 grams of cocaine, and two clear plastic packs containing Fedex cocaine and an animated image of humans holding a Brazilian flag of 2.24 kg.

Then one unit of Yamaha Fino motorcycle Nopol BL 5984 UAD, one cell phone, one cigarette box and one jerry can used oil oil.

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