JAKARTA - BTN received appreciation from SOE Minister Erick Thohir in his remarks at the 2025 BTN Working Meeting or Working Meeting on Friday, January 3, 2025. Even the Minister of SOEs encouraged BTN in the future to become a megabank or bank giant because it had transformed and showed extraordinary progress.
"I hope that BTN will not be complacent, if BTN can become a megabank, which can provide housing and ecosystem solutions, I think it will be an interesting proposition in society, don't be tired of transforming because there is no ending transformation," said SOE Minister Erick Thohir, as received by VOI editors, Tuesday, January 7.
On the same occasion, the President Director of BTN Nixon LP Napitupulu expressed his gratitude to all parties who support the transformation of BTN, as well as set a new vision for the 2025-2029 period, namely to become the Main Mitrra in the Empowerment of Indonesian Family Financial, which was the previous long-term vision, namely To Become the Best Mortgage Bank in Southeast Asia in 2025.
"So there is a house, there is a family, but not only about mortgages. But how do they pay for electricity, pay for water, pay for school also in BTN. After the house is formed, we serve everything the family needs," said Nixon.
To achieve his long-term vision, Nixon said, BTN is determined to strengthen its sustainable savings machine as funding is a big theme in the banking industry today amid its tightness and high cost of liquidity due to high competition.
Nixon added that BTN has carried out transformations in all aspects of its business and operations over the past five years, including strengthening good governance practices and developing innovations in the field of sustainability.
Business performance over the past five years has also consistently increased. Nixon hopes that BTN's assets can penetrate IDR 500 trillion by 2025 because currently total assets have reached IDR 470 trillion, mainly driven by the One Million Houses program under the previous president's administration, Joko Widodo.
Nixon is optimistic that with all continued transformation efforts, BTN is ready to support the government to meet the needs of people's homes through the 3 Million Houses Program.
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