JAKARTA - Chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD Khoirudin explained that the DKI Jakarta Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) value factor in 2025 was the largest in history, which was IDR 91.34 trillion.
Based on the agreed budget posture, there are a number of priority programs for the DKI Provincial Government that will run this year. The nominal budget is quite large.
Among them are flood management which is budgeted at IDR 5.6 trillion or 7.55 percent of the value of regional spending, handling congestion of IDR 9 trillion or 11.98 percent of regional spending.
Then, handling waste of IDR 3.1 trillion or 4.17 percent of regional spending, poverty alleviation of IDR 22.2 trillion or 29.45 percent, and handling air pollution of IDR 1.4 trillion or 1.91 percent of regional spending.
"The total is above Rp41.5 trillion or 50.30 percent of the expenditure of Rp82.6 trillion," Khoirudin told reporters, Monday, January 6.
Khoirudin said the nominal does not include spending on employees and other components of the activity that will run. The budget value of the 5 priority programs is also greater than last year.
"There was an increase compared to the previous 2024 APBD with a total of IDR 37.1 trillion or 48.86 percent," said Khoirudin.
The 2025 DKI APBD of IDR 91.34 trillion is planned to come from regional revenues targeted at IDR 81.7 trillion and financing receipts of IDR 9.6 trillion.
Previously, the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta, Teguh Setyabudi, revealed that this year's APBD nominal was the highest compared to previous years.
Thus, Teguh asked all state civil servants (ASN) within the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government to do their best to run government programs this year.
"The budget for DKI Jakarta will be the largest in history, namely Rp 91.34 trillion. Of course this is a blessing for Jakarta with a real, concrete, good, impactful, and community welfare program," said Teguh, Thursday, January 2.
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