JAKARTA - The police say that the soap opera star Mark Jeffrey Smith alias Jeff Smith has tested positive for the marijuana-type narcotic. This is based on urine examination.

"The result of a positive THC urine check means that the lines of marijuana are very clear", said Head of the West Jakarta Metro Police Narcotics Detective AKBP Ronaldo Maradona Siregar to reporters, Friday, April 16.

However, Ronaldo did not want to explain the amount of evidence confiscated in the arrest. The reason is that the evidence is still being examined by the Forensic Laboratory team to ensure that the evidence is drugs.

"We also secured some of the evidence at the crime scene if the evidence for narcotics is currently being checked at the Police Forensic Laboratory", he said.

Meanwhile, a colleague who was also secured was called the initials D. But he was not an artist like Jeff Smith.

"No, the male initials D. Their position is like gathering at the place where D work", he said.

Jeff Smith was arrested with a colleague in the early hours of Thursday, April 15. He was arrested at a base camp in the Jagakarsa area, South Jakarta.

Jeff Smith is a journalist who played on the Get Married web series in 2020. Also, he often plays on various FTV.

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