Attorney General ST Burhanuddin emphasized that his party had begun to investigate the alleged bribery or gratuity behind the low sentences of defendants Harvey Moeis and Helena Lim in the alleged tin corruption case.

The statement was made when answering questions about whether to also conduct a similar investigation like the Ronald Tannur case where elements of bribery and gratification were found.

"Good, for the question of whether (it was carried out) an act like a judge who carried out (trial) Ronald Tannur (with the case of Harvey Moeis-Helena Lim) I said yes," Burhanuddin told reporters, Thursday, January 2.

Burhanuddin did not explain in more detail the extent of the deepening process carried out.

This is because his statement was stopped, only his party began to investigate the alleged criminal act behind the low verdict.

In the case of alleged tin corruption, Harvey Moeis and Helena Lim were found guilty. They were sentenced to different sentences.

For Harvey Moeis, he was sentenced to 6.5 years in prison. While Helena Lim for 5 years.

The second sentence was lighter than the prosecutor's demands. Because, at the previous trial, the prosecutor charged Harvey Moeis with imprisonment for 12 years. Meanwhile, Helena Lim is known to be sentenced to 8 years.

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