The joint SAR team finally managed to find a crew member (ABK) who fell and sank in the eastern waters of Jambi Province, precisely in Nipah Panjang, East Tanjungjabung Regency. The victim was found dead.

The body of a crew member named Beduka (70) was found floating by the Joint SAR team on Wednesday. The victim's body was then evacuated and handed over to the family for burial.

On Tuesday, December 31 last year, the victim and his partner sailed in a pompong ship loaded with palm fruit crossing the river from Parit 2 to Parit 6.

On their way they fell and were carried away by the swift current of the river. A crew member named Amirudin managed to save himself, while Beduka was lost in the river current.

Basarnas, who received the report, then dispatched a team to Nipah Panjang to look for victims. After two days of searching, the victim was found even though he was dead about 5 kilometers from the scene.

The joint SAR teams deployed came from the Jambi SAR Office, Nipah Panjang Polairud, Nipah Police, Navy, Tanjabtim BPBD, and local fishermen.

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