JAKARTA - The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD said there is still an opportunity for the Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance (BLBI) case to be criminally processed.

"After our meeting, it was not impossible that criminal (elements, red) were found but not because of the SKL (Letter of Credit)," Mahfud said in a press conference broadcast on the YouTube account of the Indonesian Ministry of Political, Legal and Security Affairs after a joint meeting with the BLBI Task Force, Thursday, April 15. .

The former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court (MK) said that the possibility of investigating the criminal allegation in the BLBI case is open if an obligor is found to guarantee land owned by someone else or provide a false statement.

"In fact, of the many guarantees, some later become cases in court and belong to other people because they were sued by a third party that won. In fact, what guarantees the state is not actually suing," said Mahfud.

"So if there is a crime, we will find it from here later and we will not cover the crime," he added.

Later, if a criminal element is found in this case, it will be brought to court. "So earlier (during the meeting, red) there was the National Police Chief and Jamdatun," he said.

Previously reported, after the KPK issued a Letter of Termination of Case Investigation (SP3) in the alleged corruption of the BLBI Certificate of Settlement (SKL), the government then formed a Task Force for Handling State Claims Rights for the Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance Fund or the BLBI Task Force.

This task force was formed through the Presidential Decree of the Republic of Indonesia (Kepres) Number 6 of 2021 concerning the Task Force for Handling the Rights of State Receivables for BLBI Funds on April 6, 2021.

The establishment of a task force which is under and responsible to the President aims to handle, resolve and restore state rights originating from BLBI funds in an effective and efficient manner.

Then, in the form of legal remedies and / or other efforts at home or abroad, both for debtors, obligors, company owners and their heirs as well as other parties who cooperate with him, as well as recommending policy treatment for the handling of BLBI funds.

"In carrying out its duties, the BLBI Fund State Bill Handling Task Force can involve and / or coordinate with ministries / non-ministerial government agencies, government agencies both central and regional, private, and other parties deemed necessary," said the provisions in the regulation on the BLBI Task Force. .

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