JAKARTA - The Public Prosecutor for the Corruption Eradication Commission (JPU KPK) said Edhy Prabowo represented Achmad Bahtiar and Amri as the largest shareholders of PT. Aero Citra Kargo (PT. ACK). This company is used as a shipping service for fry seeds abroad.

"Achmad Bahtiar is also a representation of Edhy Prabowo through Amiril Mukminin," said the prosecutor reading the indictment at the trial at the Corruption Court, Jakarta, Thursday, April 15.

In dakwan, Achmad Bahtiar and Amri each own 41.65 percent shares. Meanwhile, the remaining 16.7 percent is owned by Yudi Surya Atmaja.

In addition, the company led by 'people' Edhy Prabowo has managed to reap hundreds of millions of profits. This is because these companies must be used by exporters.

This is because the export fee of BBL is set at Rp1,800 per fry. Where, PT PLI, which is also collaborating with PT ACT, received a delivery operational cost of IDR 350 per fry. Meanwhile, PT ACK received IDR 1,450 per fry.

"From September 2020 to November 2020, PT DPPP (Suharjito Company) has exported approximately 642,684 BBL to Vietnam using the cargo service of PT. ACK. So that the money received by PT. ACK is IDR 706,001,440. , "said the prosecutor.

In fact, since operating from June to November 2020, PT ACK received a net profit of IDR 38.5 billion, which was received from Suharjito and other exporting companies.

"PT. ACK distributed the money in stages through transfers to PT. ACK shareholders as if it were dividends. Amri with a total of Rp. 12.3 billion, Achmad Bahtiar of Rp. 12.3 billion, and Yudi Surya Atmaja received around Rp. 5 billion," he said. prosecutor.

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