JAKARTA - Perumda Pasar Jaya will continue to close the Tanah Abang area until April 19. Initially, Tanah Abang would reopen today. However, the closing period was extended. This empty alleyway in one of Jakarta's biggest markets continues.
The closure of Tanah Abang follows the Decree of the Governor of DKI Jakarta Number 361 of 2020 concerning the Extension of the Emergency Response Status for COVID-19 until 19 April. Therefore, no close social activities are allowed during the emergency response period.
The traders themselves also agreed to temporarily close their trading stalls during the COVID-19 emergency response period.
"It has been decided for the planned opening on April 6, we will temporarily postpone it until April 19. The governor has also given a strong warning to keep the Tanah Abang Market closed," said Director of Perumda Pasar Jaya Arief Nasruddin when confirmed, Monday, April 5.
The closure of this area includes Tanah Abang Market Block A, Tanah Abang Market Block B and Blok F Tanah Abang Market. Only Tanah Abang Market Blok G is still open as before. However, traders who are still allowed are only to sell types of foodstuffs.
This is regulated in Article 4 of Government Regulation (PP) Number 21 of 2020 concerning Large-Scale Social Restrictions in the Context of Accelerating Handling of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).
"For markets that sell types of foodstuffs, they continue to operate normally in order to meet the basic needs of the population," said Arief.
Furthermore, Anies has issued an appeal to the Governor of DKI Jakarta Number 9 of 2020 which requires the use of masks for residents who leave their homes.
Therefore, Arief asked traders and people who want to shop at the market to always use cloth masks instead of medical masks, considering that medical masks are prioritized for health workers.

The sluggishness of MSMEs
Economist Paul Sutaryono said the impact of the temporary closure of the Tanah Abang Market would have an impact on the regional economy and national economic growth. This is because this market is the largest textile market in Southeast Asia where the target is not only domestic but also foreign.
"Automatically this will affect national economic growth and of course will suppress regional economic growth. But it is inevitable to prevent the spread of COVID-19 from becoming more widespread," he said, when contacted.
Meanwhile, the Chairman of the Indonesian MSME Association (Akumindo), Ikhsan Ingratubun said, speaking from a health perspective, the temporary closure of the Tanah Abang Market is the right thing. This is because the transmission of COVID-19 occurs because of direct contact.
However, Ikhsan said, from an economic standpoint, it was devastated, especially MSMEs. Moreover, since January and February, traders have experienced a decline in turnover due to lack of buyers.
"Employees are sent home, nobody buys, there is no more turnover. Dead, right? From a health perspective, it is okay, but the economy is in ruins," said Ikhsan.
Ikhsan said that currently the government must think about how to compensate MSME entrepreneurs at Tanah Abang Market who can no longer open their shops.
"I am grateful that the voice of the UMKM association was heard by Mr. Jokowi. Especially with regard to the banking and non-banking financial industry, providing relaxation for one year without paying installments and interest. Our request is also related to electricity, the cost that must be incurred every transaction per day. we have to pay, "he said.
Moreover, said Ikhsan, what haunts employers today is the payment of salaries for employees. This is because this temporary closure makes entrepreneurs unable to pay it.
"Including paying employee salaries, maybe this month we can still handle it. But next month? We can't. Because there is no turnover," he said.
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