JAKARTA - A total of 34 terrorism convicts will pledge allegiance to the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) on Thursday, April 15 at the Class IIA Narcotics Prison Gunung Sindur, Bogor.

"These terrorism convicts will pledge allegiance at the Class IIA Narcotics Prison Gunung Sindur", said Head of Public Relations and Protocol Section of the Directorate General of Corrections of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Rika Aprianti in Jakarta, reported Antara, Tuesday, April 13.

The pronunciation of the oath of allegiance to the Republic of Indonesia is one of the conditions for convicts of terrorism crimes if they later apply for parole, ahead of release, and other programs.

"So later if applying for a parole program one of the conditions they have fulfilled", said Rika.

Rika said the swearing-in of the NKRI was part of the government's deradicalization program against terrorism convicts.

After saying a pledge of allegiance to the Republic of Indonesia, it is expected that their determination and spirit will be re-awakened to the nation and the country. In particular, the goal is to hold fast to Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution, sincerely loyal to the Republic of Indonesia with the motto Bhineka Tunggal Ika and raise awareness of the defense of the state to maintain the unity and unity of the nation.

She said the pronunciation of pledges loyal to the NKRI by terrorism convicts could not be imposed. For, that awareness must arise from themselves. For terrorist inmates who have not been or are not willing to say a pledge of allegiance to the Republic of Indonesia the government also can not market it.

"We must not force them to NKRI. Because they themselves must understand their integrity and soul for the Republic of Indonesia", she said.

However, to achieve that terrorist inmates again interpret and love the homeland several efforts are made including understanding, personality coaching to defending the country.

"It's part of deradicalization coaching", she said.

All terrorism convicts are currently serving sentences in the Class IIA Narcotics Prison Gunung Sindur with different prison terms.

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