BANDUNG - The Besar City Police (Polrestabes) Bandung, West Java arrested four perpetrators with the initials AS, TA, AT, and DA in the kidnapping case of a woman with the initials SA that occurred in the Sukanegara area, Antapani, on Sunday (8/12).

Bandung Police Chief Kombes Budi Sartono explained that the mastermind behind this kidnapping was the suspect DA, who invited three other suspects to take the action.

"Alhamdulillah, we have managed to secure all the perpetrators. DA is the mastermind behind this kidnapping, and he involved three other people, namely AS, TA, and AT," Budi said as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, December 10.

The motive for this kidnapping is still in the process of being investigated. However, based on the initial examination, the temporary motive is suspected to be due to heartache.

"The victim and the suspect know each other. For what kind of hurt, we will investigate it further after the examination is complete," he said.

Previously, Kasatreskrim Polrestabes Bandung AKBP Abdul Rachman said the victim returned to his house on Sunday night at around 20.30 WIB after being escorted by an online motorcycle taxi driver from the Pasir Impun area, Bandung City.

"From the victim's statement, it is estimated that one to six people were in one car. However, from the sound there were several people or maybe one person who might be identical to the victim," said Rachman.

Rachman said that this incident was reported by local residents and based on the video circulating, it was seen that the perpetrator pulled the victim's hand while pointing a firearm and dragged SA into the perpetrator's car.

According to him, in this kidnapping incident, no property was taken by the perpetrator, it was just that the victim's cellphone SIM card was taken. The victim did not get any violence or sexual harassment.

"The victim was taken by a man whose identity has not been identified by pulling the victim's hand into the car," he said.

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