BANDUNG - The Bandung City Police (Polrestabes) confirmed that the woman with the initials SA (43) who was suspected of being a victim of kidnapping by an armed gang last Sunday on Jalan Sukanaga, Antapani, Bandung City, had returned to her home.

Head of Bandung Polrestabes Kombes Budi Sartono said the victim was still in shock and fear after being escorted home by an online motorcycle taxi from Pasir Impun area, Bandung, on Sunday night.

"Still shocked because the perpetrators wore hats and masks, and smelled alcohol," said Budi in Bandung, Antara, Monday, December 9.

Budi said his staff was hunting for the perpetrators based on information from online motorcycle taxi drivers, victims and also surveillance camera (CCTV) recordings who identified the faces of the perpetrators.

"God willing, the perpetrators have been identified and we will pursue him.

According to Budi, in this kidnapping incident, no property was taken by the perpetrator, it was just that the victim's cellphone SIM card was taken.

"The item taken from the statement is that the SIM card was taken, the cellphone was returned. So, no items were taken," he said.

Regarding the motive, the police are still unable to convey the reason why the Bandung Police Satreskrim is still focused on pursuing the perpetrators.

Previously, the Head of the Antapani Police, Kompol Yusuf Tojiri, revealed that at the time of the incident, the victim was forcibly brought into the car by an unknown person in front of his house.

This incident was reported by local residents and based on the video circulating, it was seen that the perpetrator pulled the victim's hand while pointing a firearm and dragged SA into the perpetrator's car.

"The victim was taken by a man whose identity has not been identified by pulling the victim's hand and putting it in the car," he said.

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