JAKARTA - Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Saan Mustopa, checked the location of the flood causes in Karangligar Village, Telukjambe Barat, Karawang Regency, West Java. Checking to encourage the eradication of flood problems in Karangligar Village, which is the most prone to flooding in Karawang.
Accompanied by the Regent of Karawang Aep Syaepuloh and the Head of the Citarum River Basin Center (BBWS) Mochamad Dian Al Ma'rup. Saan checked the meeting of the Cidawolong River, Kaliurang River with the Cibeet River.
"This is an eternal flood, a bit permanent, it has been flooded for a dozen years. We are trying to see firsthand (the cause) and how will it be handled later," said Saan at the location, Friday, December 6.
Saan will encourage the budget for flood management in Karangligar Village. So that the implementation of flood management can be carried out in 2025.
"I encourage politically, later Mr. Regent of Haji Aep we collaborate in synergy with BBWS to deal with flood problems. For technical matters, Mr. Dian (Head of BBWS Citarum)," said Saan.
Karawang Regent Aep Syaepuloh said that his party strongly supports the implementation of flood management in Karangligar Village.
"The government is ready for this implementation, the Regional Government certainly does not object, what is certain is that the land for which more than 1 hectare is ready to be cleared. The important thing is that we can save all people in this area," said Aep.
Aep mengaku berharap pelaksanaan penanganan bisa dilakukan pada Tahun 2024. Pemerintah daerah akan berkolaborasi untuk penanganan banjir.
"Earlier, it was said that a pond and pump would be needed with a need of more than 1 hectare. We are also Alhamdulillah, Mr. Saan as Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives was also here as a working visit," said Aep.
Head of the Citarum River Basin Center (BBWS) Mochamad Dian Al Ma'rup said, for flood management in Karangligar Village, a budget of around Rp. 80 to Rp. 100 billion is needed.
"The budget is estimated at around Rp. 80 to Rp. 100 billion. This is an immediate medium-term action, so we are also designing how to make the back water from the Cidawolong River not continuously due to Cibeet," said Dian.
First, said Dian, the handling will be normalized according to the elevation. "After that, we will install the door, where after this door next to it will be installed with a retention pond, so that once the door is installed it cannot enter Cibeet, Cibeet also cannot enter Cidawolong," said Dian.
Then to get water out of Cidawolong. His party will pump into the retention pond as water parking to Cibeet. The water will decrease according to the pump capacity.
"God willing, the flood will significantly decrease, leaving around 17 to 40 hectares of 135 hectares of inundation here, hopefully it will run smoothly," said Dian.
For the rest, the West Java Government will follow up. "So later there will also be other efforts that we will follow up with the governor, how to deal with the rest that was not handled. We will not be able to expose this later because we still need a design," said Dian.
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