JAKARTA - In order to provide protection from COVID-19, KJRI Los Angeles held COVID-19 vaccination for indonesian citizens in Southern California. The mass vaccination is in collaboration with the San Bernardino County government.
The COVID-19 mass vaccination was held at the United Indonesian Seventh-day Adventist Church (UNISDAC), Fontana, San Bernardino County on April 11.
It is recorded that more than 250 indonesians living in southern California participated in the activity. The vaccination program is conducted regardless of the immigration status of indonesian citizens and is provided at no cost.
Indonesian General Secretary Saud P. Krisnawan expressed his appreciation for the partnership with San Bernardino County for the implementation of COVID-19 vaccination for the Indonesian community. It is also in line with the San Bernardino County government's efforts to reach all levels of society and communities living in the region to get vaccinated.
Meanwhile, representing the San Bernardino County COVID-19 Task Force, Michael Imenez expressed his appreciation to KJRI Los Angeles for facilitating the implementation of mass COVID-19 vaccination.

San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors Chairman Curt Hagman expressed his delight and pride in the partnership. He hopes that good relations can continue to be improved in various other areas, including the economy.
The selection of San Bernardino County as the site of the vaccine implementation with consideration of the region is the largest concentration of indonesians in Southern California. At the event, indonesians and diasporas received Pfizer's nvaksin and were scheduled for a second vaccination on May 2.
In addition, KJRI Los Angeles also organizes Immigration and Consular Services. More than 50 Indonesians took advantage of the opportunity to renew their passports and documents.
As per California state government policy, vaccine delivery is aimed at a limited scale of priority. These include medical personnel, law enforcement, the elderly, people with certain diseases and other priorities. Vaccinations for the general public only began on April 15.

Therefore, facilitation of indonesian vaccination is the right momentum, especially for the indonesian community in southern California.
The number of COVID-19 cases in the state of California has reached 3.69 million with a mortality rate of 58.9 thousand people. California is one of the states with the highest number of cases and death rates in the United States.
FCOVID-19 positivity cases in California make up 10 percent of the more than 31 million cases in the U.S. As of April 10, 19.8 percent or about 7.8 million Californians received the complete vaccine (two doses).
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