JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has updated the wanted list file (DPO), Harun Masiku, who is a suspect in interim bribery (PAW) for members of the DPR RI.

The file was signed by the Deputy Chairperson of the KPK, Nurul Ghufron, on December 5, 2024 and registered with the number: R/5739/DIK.01.02/01-23/12/2024.

To be arrested and handed over to the Office of the Corruption Eradication Commission of the Republic of Indonesia Jalan Kuningan Persada Kav.4 Setiabudi South Jakarta. Phone 021-25578300, "as written in the DPO file quoted on Friday, December 6.

It was stated that Harun had his address at Jalan Limo Komplek Aneka Tambang IV/8 RT 8 RW 2, North Grogol, Kebayoran Lama, South Jakarta. The former PDIP candidate in the 2019 Pileg was written as having a height of 172 cm with dark hair and mature sawo skin.

Harun is also written as having special characteristics for glasses, thinness, having a loud voice. In addition, he also speaks in a Toraja or Bugis accent.

There were three letters issued in the case that ensnared Harun Masiku, namely the Investigation Order Number Sprin.Dik/07/DIK.00/01/01/2020 dated January 9, 2020; Investigation Order Number Sprin.Dik/07B.2020/DIK.00/01/05/2023 dated May 5, 2023; and Arrest Order Number Sprin.Kap/11/DIK.01.02/10/24/2024 dated October 26, 2024.

For people who find Harun or know his whereabouts, it is said that they can contact the KPK. The investigator number that Rossa Purbo Bekti can contact in the rossa.betti email @kpk.go.id or telephone number 021-25578300 ext. 7334 or 08119043917.

It was previously reported that Harun Masiku has now been a fugitive for four years or since 2020. This escape was carried out after being named a suspect in the bribery of former KPU Commissioner Wahyu Setiawan to serve as a member of the Indonesian House of Representatives through the interim replacement mechanism (PAW).

The KPK ensures that Harun's search continues. Investigators developed new clues found in the car of the suspected briber Wahyu Setiawan in an apartment.

"We have found that there are indeed several documents and indeed there are new clues that we have found related to the HM case. This is what we are developing," said KPK Investigation Director Asep Guntur Rahayu to reporters quoted on Friday, September 27.

As for the findings of Harun's car, Asep was called by investigators last July. "So we just found the car in those months," he said.

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