JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has confirmed that luxury bags such as Hermes Birkin Ostrich to Louis Vuitton were confiscated from Rafael Alun Trisambodo and will be auctioned on Tuesday, December 10 are in original condition. Checks with experts have been carried out.
The luxury bags with various brands were looted by former officials of the Directorate General of Taxes at the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) Rafael Alun Trisambodo. The case of gratification and money laundering (TPPU) that ensnared him has permanent legal force.
"So before we do the auction, we will test it first, first check it with the experts," said the KPK Execution Prosecutor, Syarkiah M. to reporters quoted on Friday, December 6.
"Some have collaborated with us to check the authenticity of the authentication of these items, these branded bags," he continued.
The check of the goods was carried out after the confiscation process was carried out, explained Syarkiah. "Those who were declared genuine were what we did the auction. Meanwhile, those that were not declared genuine or fake, we have destroyed them," he said.
Previously reported, the KPK held an auction of corrupt stolen goods in a series of World Anti-Corruption Day (Hakordia) which was commemorated on Monday, December 9. Apart from luxury cars and motorbikes, there are also precious metals and bags with various high-end brands.
The luxury bag at the starting price of the most expensive auction is Hermes Ostrich with Birkin type. The initial price reached IDR 241,535,000 and the security deposit that the auction participants had to pay amounted to IDR 100 million.
Then there is a blue Hermes bag at an initial price of Rp. 92,610,000. And there is a pink bag branded Louis Vuitton opened at a price of Rp. 37,554,000.
Masyarakat yang berniat ikut lelang bisa mengunjungi laman situs https://portal.lelang.go.id/ atau https://lelang.go.id. Batas waktu lelangnya dibagi menjadi tiga sesi dengan rincian:
Session I: 10.30 WIB
Session II: Urut Number 1-2: 10.40 WIB Number 3-11: 10.45 WIB Number Urut 12-26: 10.50 WIB Number Urut 27-70: 11.00 WIB
Session III: Urut Number 1: at 13.15 WIB Number Urut 2-3: 13.30 WIB Number Urut 4: at 13.35 WIB Number Urut 5: at 13.40 WIB Number Urut 6-7: 13.45 WIB Number Urut 8-12: 13.50 WIB Number Urut 13: at 14.00 WIB Number Urut 14-16: 14.05
These bags are included in the second auction session. The determination of the winner is carried out after the deadline for bidding and must be paid off within five days with an auction fee of 2 percent of the price being knocked out.
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