JAKARTA - Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) elected for the period 2024-2029, Setyo Budiyanto did not want to comment much on the Asset Confiscation Bill. Setyo said that currently his party is in a position to wait for the DPR RI and the government to ratify it into law.

"Yes, of course, if it's a matter of the Asset Confiscation Law, the government has sent it to the DPR RI, it's part of the legal politics, we'll just look at it, we'll just wait, we'll just wait," said Setyo at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday, December 5.

The KPK, according to Setyo, is only left to carry out what has become an agreement between the DPR and the government.

"Certainly we will all carry out the process rather than what has been carried out by the government and rather than the DPR RI, it is like that," said Setyo.

To note, the Asset Confiscation Bill which aims to impoverish perpetrators of criminal acts that harm the country is included in the 2024-2029 medium-term national program. This bill is still rolling and will be discussed by the Legislation Body (Baleg) Baleg DPR RI.

However, Baleg said, the material content that will be stated in the Asset Confiscation Bill still needs an in-depth study so that it is not included in the 2025 Priority Prolegnas.

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