JAKARTA - The elected KPK Chairman, Setyo Budiyanto stated that his party will continue the sting operation (OTT) activities as handling of corruption crimes. According to Setyo, the four other elected leadership candidates agreed to continue holding OTT.

"Yes, as I said during the fit and proper, OTT will continue," said Setyo at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday, December 5.

As conveyed by Deputy Chairman of the KPK Alexander Marwata, Setyo continued, the term OTT is only a mention in the media. So similar activities are certain to continue to be carried out by the next leadership.

"It has been conveyed by Mr. Alexander Marwata, he said that the naming. Actually, this is only a discussion related to the naming issue, right? What, nomenclature, then not naming, what I said earlier. In my opinion, there is no more problem," said Setyo.

Setyo ensured that all elected KPK Capim for the 2024-2029 period have agreed to continue holding OTT. Because according to him, OTT activities are the gateway to uncovering bigger corruption cases.

"I'm sure everyone still agrees on that issue. Because if I mention that, yes in my experience during my time at the KPK, that activity is the gateway to uncovering bigger cases," he said.

"But of course, with the five of us later we will discuss it more selectively, in more detail, how it can be better, which can uncover bigger cases, then it can be useful, and can, yes, hopefully later there will be cases with results or disclosures with greater value," he continued.

Setyo also responded to the KPK Capim Johanis Tanak who wanted OTT to be abolished. According to Setyo, specifically Johanis has not given a direct explanation to the elected capim.

"We have never met the five of us directly, like that. That's the explanation first. I'm sure it's just the nature of whether his explanation is from the nomenclature side or from the naming side, or he doesn't agree," he said.

"Because then in this way, I read from the media explanation, there was an explanation from Mr. Alex, that it was then conveyed that it was only a naming. But the details will be the five of us, because the five of us are a collegial collective," concluded Setyo.

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