JAKARTA - President Director of PT. Tigapilar Argo Utama Ardian Iskandar Maddanatja said he had been charged a fee commitment by Matheus Joko Santoso while serving as a commitment-making official (PPK) of the Ministry of Social Affairs.

Matheus said Ardian, asking for the fee was related to the procurement of social assistance package carried out by PT. Tigapilar Argo Utama.

The fee request was originally submitted by the manager of PT. The charm of Berkah Gemilang, Muhammad Abdurrahman.  PT Pesona Berkah Gemilang is a company that provides the contents of social assistance packages from PT. Three Main Agro Pillars.

"Abdurahman told me, that this is the same as Mrs. Sona (President Director of PT Pesona Berkah Gemilang Sonawangsih) to check whether the payment of Tiga Pilar has been paid by the Ministry of Social Affairs", Ardian said during a hearing with the agenda of the examination of the accused at Corruption Crime Court Jakarta, Monday, April 12.

Hearing Ardian's statement, the public prosecutor (JPU) then investigated Ardian's meeting with Matheus Joko Santoso. It is suspected that the meeting took place in the Cawang area, East Jakarta.

"So Mr. Abdurrahman said, maybe Mr. Joko has not been paid his fee so to be clear meet directly talk, so I immediately came pack that afternoon", said Ardian.

"Keep seeing you?", asked Prosecutor Muhammad Nur Azis.

"Met, then clarified again by Mr. Joko, then finally the night met Lia's mother (Nujulia Hamzah)", said Ardian.

In the meeting, Ardian claimed to be charged a fee by Matheus Joko Santoso. Because if not paid, the search for the procurement package social assistance will be delayed.

"He (Matehus Joko Santoso) said, 'where is the fee commitment?' if you go I just know sir, because I have no talk what, which is clearly the problem is in Lia's mother, I have explained my agreement with Lia's mother 90 thousand per package. So I've given it all up from teens in September. Because I've been there on October 2 or mid-October", Ardian said.

Ardian also admitted, if not pay the fee, can no longer get a package of procurement social assistance.

"He said the point is that no payment can not be continued for management", said Ardian.

Ardian also did not know the agreed fee of IDR 30 thousand, there was IDR 10 thousand for Juliari Peter Batubara as Minister of Social Affairs.

"I don't accept that information", Ardian said.

"Mr. Joko just ask for a fee, not special?", searched the Prosecutor.

"I said at that time this Sir, Ma'am Nuzulia is nephew of Director-General, then Mr. Joko said no matter the nephew of the Director General's nephew of the minister anyway, I asked. That's it, Sir", said Ardian.

"So the point is there is an obligation from Joko he must collect so huh?," asked the Prosecutor.

"Yes", ardian said.

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