JAKARTA - Former Governor of Jakarta, Anies Baswedan has three messages for the Governor of DKI Jakarta who is elected. This was stated on the day of the 2024 Regional Head Election (Pilkada).
"In particular, being related to Jakarta is a small side of those," Anies told reporters, Wednesday, November 27.
According to him, taking sides with the small community is very important. Because, they still need support from the government.
"Because in this city there are people who are already independent, there are people who still need government support. Now leadership in Jakarta must choose that side," he said.
The second message is that whoever is elected must advance all public transportation and pay attention to the environment and settlements. The reason is that Jakarta is currently a global city.
"Jakarta is a Global city that needs leadership with the paradigm of modern cities and modern cities. One of them is advanced public transportation, transportation that facilitates all," he said.
"Then attention to environmental issues, attention to housing attention to the basic needs of modern paradigm cities is very strategic," continued Anies.
Finally, Anies also advised that the governor should later become a leader who can maintain peace. It is undeniable that Jakarta is a city consisting of many tribes that have various interests.
Thus, maintaining peace is very important so that Jakarta always feels shady for all its citizens.
"The leadership in Jakarta must provide a calm atmosphere, not a tense atmosphere to embrace all and minimal controversy so that the relationship between elements of society can run well, it is one of the companies needed for Jakarta in particular," said Anies.
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