JAKARTA - An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.1 triggered moderate to strong shocks in some areas of East Java (East Java). A number of BPBD reported the situation of people who felt the earthquake shock.

Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) in several administrative areas, including Malang, Blitar, Lumajang and Malang reported the intensity of the earthquake shock that occurred at 14.00 WIB.

BPBD Malang district informs that the shock is felt moderately to strongly for 5 seconds. The local community is not panicking. Meanwhile, Malang City, BPBD reported shocks for 12 seconds with moderate intensity. The people of Malang panicked and scattered out of the building.

Head of Data, Information and Communication Center of DISASTER BNPB Raditya Jati said the shock was also felt by the people of Blitar for 30 seconds. They scattered out of the building in panic. In Lumajang Regency, people felt shocks for 20 seconds. BPBD monitors people panicking and scattering out of the house.

Some BPBD in the region are still monitoring conditions in the post-earthquake field.

Meanwhile, Head of BMKG Bbumi and Tsunami Earthquake and Tsunami Center Bambang Setiyo Prayitno informed the location of the epicenter and the depth of the hypocenter, the earthquake that occurred is a type of intermediate earthquake due to subduction activity.

"The results of the analysis of the source mechanism show that earthquakes have a mechanism of upward movement or thrust fault," bambang said.

Currently BNPB coordinates with several BPBD who feel the earthquake shock. Related to the impact of the earthquake, BNPB is still coordinating with BPBD which conducts rapid monitoring and review in the field.

BNPB continues to monitor post-earthquake and urges the public to remain vigilant and alert in anticipation of earthquake hazards.

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