JAKARTA - During the corona virus or COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia, social media was enlivened by various criticisms to the point where the government was not confident in dealing with the virus. Some of them took their criticism to the realm of domestic politics.

Executive Director of Voxpol Center Research and Consulting Pangi Syarwi Chaniago assessed that the boisterous conversation on social media occurred because the COVID-19 issue was easily drawn into practical political practice.

"Indeed, COVID-19 makes our public spaces noisy. Political sentiment is on the rise, even being drawn to practical politics, and making social media noisy," Pangi told VOI via text message, Thursday, April 2.

He considered, the commotion generated on social media started because the government was slow in stopping the spread of COVID-19 in Indonesia.

If only the government was ready from the start and did not appear to be underestimating, said Pangi, the commotion on social media could have been minimized and there was no room to draw this issue into practical politics.

Not only that, the slow handling of this has led to the spread of the virus and an increase in casualties. This also makes the public angry with the government.

"If the government is swift and daring to make decisions, social media will automatically not be noisy. They will not be sarcastic. This is a series of cause and effect (causality)," he said.

In fact, said Pangi, there is an easy way so that the issue of COVID-19 is not fried into practical politics. One of them is that the government must be willing and not thin on their ears when they hear criticism from the public regarding the handling of the corona virus.

In addition, President Joko Widodo or the central government must have a whisperer who is truly oriented towards the needs of the people and starts reducing promises that cannot be realized.

"The government has had to reduce political promises to provide assistance, for example, incentives for doctors from Rp. 7 million to Rp. 15 million. This is actually reduced by promises like this. Real work, for example how to continue and be consistent about making mass production of PPE and masks," he said .

Meanwhile, for the public or social media users, Pangi said, now is not the right time to blame the government. Everyone should think clearly and start taking steps to help those affected by this virus.

"Where are the rich entrepreneurs who have been taking advantage of mining and oil and gas? Have you donated yet? What claims to me is that I am Pancasila, is his attitude or attitude of being willing to sacrifice really real, willing to sacrifice for the nation and state," said Pangi.

"They should not disappear when needed, like an avatar. So Pancasila does not need a bribe, what is needed is behavior and an example of attitude," he added.

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