JAKARTA - The House of Representatives (DPR) of the Republic of Indonesia approved the government's proposal to merge two ministries, namely the Ministry of Research and Technology (Kemenristek) with the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud). The government will also establish a Ministry of Investment.

Related to this, Chairman of Commission X Syaiful Huda assessed, the disbursement of the Ministry of Technology and Ministry of Education will burden the work of the ministry led by Nadiem Makarim.

"Surely this definitely adds to the burden for the Ministry of Education. Because it was previously separated dikti ristek, last add dikti, now add ristek. That must be a burden, there must be additional burdens," Huda told reporters Friday, April 9.

Huda also urged that the government immediately map the structure. Considering the experience of restructuring institutional mergers in a ministry always takes a long time. He said that there are challenges regarding organizational structure and work procedures (SOTK), budget to personnel.

"That could have been up to two years. Therefore, it becomes important to be mapped immediately so as not to become a new burden for the Ministry of Education, but it can even strengthen the existence of the Director General of Higher Education," explained the PKB politician.

After the merger of these ministries, Huda assessed, there needs to be the addition of a deputy ministerial post that specializes in handling Ristekbrin. Thus, according to him, performance can be more relevant and not become a new burden.

"Then it is necessary to add a post, deputy minister to specifically take care of Ristekbrin. It's more relevant," he said.

On the other hand, Huda sees the positive side of merging the Ministry of Technology to the Ministry of Education. Universities, he said, can get a budget for research that is currently cut off because it is separated between Dikti and Ristek.

In the situation of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to Huda, research is needed that accelerates the government's performance. As currently the Ministry of Technology is working on a red and white vaccine.

"During the Covid pandemic we need researches that can accelerate the government's performance to find new alternatives, new findings either health aspects or other social engineering in order to accelerate we can recover from the Covid pandemic," huda said.

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