JAKARTA - Political observer Ray Rangkuti predicts Basuki Tjahaja Purnama aka Ahok will run again in the upcoming 2024 regional elections.

This is predicted from the meeting of the former governor of DKI Jakarta with the Mayor of Solo, Gibran Rakabuming in Loji Gandrung, Wednesday, April 7.

According to Ray, Ahok's career in politics will continue despite being imprisoned because of stumbling legal cases. In fact, the president commissioner of PT Pertamina may still be nominated as president.

"Yes no (political career stopped.red) dong, I think when viewed from the popularity remains in the ranks of capres even though only 1-2 percent but still in," Ray told VOI, Friday, April 9.

Director of Lingkar Madani (Lima) Indonesia assessed, Ahok will lose if he does not return 'ferocious' in Indonesian politics.

"By looking at that fact I think Ahok will lose politically if he does not optimize the charm in politics. Unless he's not interested," ray explained.

Ray also sees Ahok's chances are still very high if he returns as a candidate for regional head. Both in DKI Jakarta and in Central Java. In fact, many other regions want Ahok as its leader.

"Because the public can still accept him, more than that many areas actually allow him to accept Ahok," Ray said.

It does not close the possibility that the meeting of Ahok and Gibran is a signal of the PDIP to hold both as governors in the upcoming 2024 regional elections.

"PDIP will nominate him as regional head, it may be paired with Gibran in DKI Jakarta or in Central Java," explained Ray.

Ray also sees Ahok's status as an ex-convict will not be his step in the world of national politics. Moreover, in the Act there are no rules related to the ban.

"There is no problem, in our Law there is no prohibition. Ex-corrupt people can. So there is still open public acceptance of him also still high," he said.

Ray added, The 2024 election will probably be a golden momentum for Ahok to reclaim the dki 1 seat. Considering, Anies Baswedan is projected to advance as a capres.

"If Ahok continues to optimize his popularity, either as a cakada in 2024 to come. Because of the assumption that Anies will rise to become a capres, DKI seems to be lowong. Well Ahok can enter because a few people still accept him in DKI Jakarta or in Central Java. There are many options if Ahok is," said Ray Rangkuti.

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