JAKARTA - The head of the Traffic Corps (Kakorlantas) of the National Police Irjen Istiono asked the ranks of the police on duty in the field to anticipate the occurrence of acts of terrorism. Especially when securing the policy of banning Eid al-Fitr 2021.

"Anticipate acts of terrorism and increase awareness of all possibilities and take decisive and measured action," Irjen Istiono said in a statement, Friday, April 9.

In addition, Istiono also asked the police to supervise vital objects. For example houses of worship, shopping centers, and tourist attractions.

This surveillance is carried out in anticipation of things that can happen. Police personnel in the field not only support the homecoming ban but also ensure conditions and situations remain safe.

"Do maximum security that becomes the center of community activities," he said.

The police will conduct a sealing scheme in accordance with the implementation of the policy of banning homecoming, namely on May 6-17. There are at least 333 sealing points in various regions.

"At this momentum, the National Police will hold a sealing at 333 points, especially from Lampung to Bali," said Irjen Istiono.

The sealing points are on the borders of provinces and districts. Stubborn people still returning home will be prevented.

The implementation of this policy aims to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Because, referring to the data of each long holiday must have an impact on the increase in positive cases of COVID-19.

"That is the main mobilization point that should be done in addition to check points in some areas," Istiono said.

In the implementation of this scheme, approximately 166,734 combined personnel from various agencies were deployed.

Of the hundreds of thousands of personnel on standby, said Istiono, The National Police Headquarters has 834 members. They consist of 53 leaders and staff. The rest, they consist of various task forces that have been formed.

Then, for the Regional Police deployed 93,336 personnel. Meanwhile, the other 72,564 personnel consist of relevant agencies such as the TNI, The Transportation Office, Satpol PP, The Health Office, Scouts, Linmas, Raharja Services, Basarnas, and others.

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