JAKARTA - Police Satreskrim Ogan Komering Ulu, South Sumatra (South Sumatra) hunting DK (22), residents of Ulu Ogan Subdistrict involved in the sadistic murder of his colleague, Apriyanto (35).

Kasubag Public Relations Police Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) AKP Mardi Nursal said, the murder occurred in a cottage in Lunggaian Village, Wednesday, April 7 at around 11:45 p.m. The perpetrator immediately fled after committing his heinous act.

The victim was a resident of South Betung Village, Panukal Abab Lematang Ilir (Pali) Regency. He suffered sharp gunshot wounds to the neck, chest and abdomen.

"The identity of the suspect has been obtained and currently Satreskrim officers are conducting a pursuit to arrest the perpetrator," said Mardi Nursal reported from Antara in Baturaja, Friday, April 9.

The act of murder is triggered by the offender's offending because the rice in the cottage is spent by the victim. According to Jon Thomas (21) an eyewitness who also lives in one cottage, there was a fight between the victim and the perpetrator until one of them died.

"The three of them were friends and lived in one cottage because they worked as rubber-tapping workers belonging to one of the plantation companies," he said.

Allegedly as a result of holding hungry because rice was eaten by the victim, the perpetrator was emotional and stabbed the victim with a sharp weapon until he died.

"Officers are still pursuing the offender. For the victim's body has now been taken to his home area in Pali Regency for burial," he said.

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